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滕达 博士



滕达,光学博士,2017年毕业于上海大学,曾获2016年博士研究生国家奖学金,现任郑州师范学院物理与电子工程学院讲师。主要研究方向为微纳光子学,包括等离激元波导、太赫兹波传输与纳米聚焦、二维材料光学特性等。迄今在Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Optics Express, Applied Physics B, Journal of Optics, Applied Sciences, JOSA A, Molecular Physics, Nanomaterials, Applied Surface Science, PCCP, Results in Physics等期刊发表论文30篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者21篇。






1. 2013,国家自然科学基金面上项目(61275103),太赫兹金属线表面等离激元的理论研究 ,主要参与人,已结项。

2. 2019郑州师范学院大学生创新性实验计划项目(DCZ2019015),指导学生,已结项。

3. 2019郑州师范学2019年度大学生科研创新基金项目(2019DC003),指导学生,已结项。

4. 2019,郑州师范学院高层次人才科研经费启动项目(501413),主持,在研。

5. 2020,郑州师范学院开放研究基金项目,主持,在研。

6. 20212021年度河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划(21A140029),主持,在研。


1. Da Teng, et al. High-performance light transmission based on graphene plasmonic waveguides. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8(20), 6832 - 6838.

2. Da Teng, et al. Graphene-coated nanowire waveguides and their applications. Nanomaterials, 2020, 10(2), 229.

3. Da Teng, et al. Graphene-coated nanowire dimers for deep subwavelength waveguiding in mid-infrared range. Optics Express, 2019, 27(9), 12458-12469.

4. Da Teng, et al. Study of modal properties in graphene-coated nanowires integrated with substrates, Applied Physics B, 2020, 126(11), 173.

5. Da Teng, et al. Efficient guiding mid-infrared waves with graphene-coated nanowire based plasmon waveguides, Results in Physics, 2020, 17, 103169.

6. Da Teng, et al. 基于衬底的涂覆石墨烯层的三角形纳米线亚波长传输特性研究. 光学学报, 2020,40(13), 1324002.

7. Da Teng, et al. 用于中红外波深度亚波长传输的石墨烯间隙等离激元波导. 光学学报, 2020, 40(06), 0623002.

8. Da Teng, et al. High-performance transmission of surface plasmons in graphene-covered nanowire pairs with substrate. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(11), 1594.

9. Da Teng, et al.  Graphene-coated elliptical nanowires for low loss subwavelength terahertz transmission. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(11), 2351.

10. Da Teng, et al. An extension of the generalized nonlocal theory for the mode analysis of plasmonic waveguides at telecommunication frequency. Journal of Optics, 2017, 19(5), 055003.

11. Da Teng, et al. Three-wave approximation for the modal field inside high-index dielectric rods of hybrid plasmonic waveguides. Journal of Modern Optics, 2016, 63(15), 1451–1456.

12. Da Teng, et al. Tapered dual elliptical plasmon waveguides as highly efficient terahertz connectors between approximate plate waveguides and two-wire waveguides. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2014, 31(2), 268–273.

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